Головна Economics and agricultural policy Ukrainain agrarians can apply for two programs of state support

Ukrainain agrarians can apply for two programs of state support

From September 1, farmers will be able to register in the State Agricultural Register for two state support programs: payment per hectare of land and subsidies for keeping cows. First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky told about it, “ProAgro Group” reports.

“We start two support programs through the SAR. The first is a payment of 3,100 UAH per 1 hectare. The maximum size is up to 120 hectares. The second program is support for those who keep from 3 to 100 cows. The payment will be 5 300 UAH per cow”, – said Taras Vysotsky.

According to him, private farms may also receive support. The only and key condition – land must be registered, this also applies to cows. “We do not support grey activities”, – stressed the First Deputy Minister.

He announced the start of applications for state support already from September 1. “But you can already register in SAR, and from September 1 you can send an application for this or that assistance in 5 minutes. Anyone can register, you have to have an electronic signature to do so. It doesn’t have to be a legal entity, it can be an individual peasant. There are no restrictions,” explained Taras Vysotsky.

He also reminded that during incomplete two weeks of SAR functioning more than 3 thousand farmers have already registered in it.

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