Головна Horticulture Agrarians in Southern Ukraine do not exclude the resowing of winter crops

Agrarians in Southern Ukraine do not exclude the resowing of winter crops

The state of winter crops in the south of Ukraine causes concern among farmers because of the lack of moisture in the soil. Therefore, the region does not exclude the mass reseeding of winter crops in the spring.

This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to AgroTimes.

According to Igor Braginets, director of Alfa-Agro in the Kherson region, the autumn of this year was very dry, and small rains began to fall during the last month, but it was not enough to soak the land.

“The great danger of these small rains is that they are enough for the germination of grain, but not enough for normal plant development. So winter crops sprout and then, weakened by the lack of moisture, die. It is much better for the grain to lie in dry soil and wait for normal rain,” explained the agrarian.

Alfa-Agro farm grows winter barley and wheat on irrigation, so the crops are in good condition and have already begun to bunch up. Here, irrigation was done before sowing winter crops and then after sprouting. And those plots that were not irrigated are significantly behind in development – now in the 2-3 leaf phase.

“Such crops can only be saved from death by a mild winter,” summed up Igor Braginets.

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