Russian merchant ship loaded with stolen Ukrainian grain is now docked in the main Syrian port of Latakia, shipping sources and Ukrainian officials said. CNN identified the vessel as the bulk carrier Matros Pozynich, ProAgro Group reports.
The publication notes that the bulk carrier is one of three vessels involved in the stolen grain trade.
From Sevastopol, according to satellite images and tracking data verified by CNN, the Matros Pozynich, which was loaded with almost 30,000 tons of Ukrainian wheat, passed through the Bosporus to the Egyptian port of Alexandria. But Egypt was warned in advance that the grain was stolen, and the vessel’s entry into the port was denied.
The bulk carrier then headed for the Lebanese capital of Beirut with the same result. On May 5, the ship again turned off its transponder, but images from Tankertrackers.com and Maxar Technologies show it was on its way to the Syrian port of Latakia.
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry estimates that at least 400,000 tons of grain were stolen and removed from Ukraine after the Russian invasion.