Головна Horticulture Grain Grain stolen from Ukraine is on ships in the Mediterranean Sea

Grain stolen from Ukraine is on ships in the Mediterranean Sea

The export of food stolen by the occupants in Ukraine to the territory of the Russian Federation and occupied Crimea continues, ProAgro Group reported, citing information from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

In particular, grain and sunflower seeds that are in storage facilities in Zaporizhzhya region are being prepared for transportation to the russian Federation. A convoy of Russian Kamaz trucks and a DAF loaded with grain left Energodar in the direction of Kamyanka Dniprovska under military guard. The final destination of the convoy was the occupied Crimea.

In the village of Volokhiv Yar in Kharkiv region, the collaborators help the occupants remove the grain from the hangars. Grain trucks are sent to the Russian border.

1,500 tons of grain were taken out by grain carriers (Krymzernotrans) from Mala Lepetykha in Kherson region to the occupied Crimea. There is information that, in addition to grain, the occupants export to Crimea large volumes of vegetables stolen in Ukraine – beets, potatoes, and cabbage.

Military intelligence officers note that a significant portion of the grain stolen from Ukraine is on Russian-flagged dry cargo ships in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The most probable destination country of the cargo is Syria. The grain can be smuggled from there to other countries of the Middle East.

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