Головна Horticulture Grain Occupiers continue to steal Ukrainian grain in Zaporizhzhya region

Occupiers continue to steal Ukrainian grain in Zaporizhzhya region

The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region are trying to resume the export of Ukrainian grain. In order to organize the process, the so-called “SUC” (State Unitary Company) was created, whose activities are directly controlled by the occupiers’ appointed “head of the regional occupation administration in Zaporizhzhya”, collaborator Eugene Galitsky, ProAgro Group reports, citing information from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine.

It is noted that in order to create an effective infrastructure for the export of grain collaborators “nationalized” (seized) the port elevator enterprise “New Khortitsa” in Berdyansk, a loading complex enterprise “Asquet Shipping” in the port of Berdyansk, elevator enterprises “Kernel”, “Optimus” and other grain traders.

The SUC set the following purchasing prices for agricultural products: feed wheat – 6000 rubles, food wheat – 9000 rubles, barley – 7000 rubles per ton. The agricultural producers are not satisfied with such price, so they try not to sell their crops but store them in the storages. If there are no free storages – in other, not adapted for this purpose premises or on open grounds”, – told in the intelligence.

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