Головна Horticulture Grain Rashists departed from Berdyansk port first vessel with stolen grain

Rashists departed from Berdyansk port first vessel with stolen grain

Одне з російських суден, яке вивозило вкрадене українське зерно

The Russian occupation “authorities” have reported the departure of a merchant ship with stolen Ukrainian grain from the port of Berdyansk.

As reported by ProAgro Group, this was reported by Radio Svoboda with reference to the Telegram message of the head of the occupation administration in the Zaporizhzhia region, Yevgeniy Balitsky.

According to him, a vessel with 7 thousand tons of grain is heading to “friendly countries. At the same time, he did not specify which countries are considered “friendly” and did not provide details about the origin of the grain. Although it is known that the occupants steal it from Ukrainian farmers.

A few hours later, he deleted a sentence from his post that contained information about the amount of grain and the points where it was transported.

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