Головна Horticulture Grain Rashists stole the grain harvested by Agroton and Nibulon in Luhansk Region

Rashists stole the grain harvested by Agroton and Nibulon in Luhansk Region

According to the agrarians forced to stay in the occupied territory, the situation in the agriculture of Luhansk region is approaching catastrophic. This was reported by the Luhansk regional military-civilian administration, informs “ProAgro Group”.

“This year we expected the biggest harvest in all years. We even hoped to surpass the record 2021. Thus, monitoring of Agroton has shown that in some fields the yield was up to 60 cwt/ha. This was possible thanks to the hard work of our farmers, who had their own and state funds, upgraded their equipment, bought the best fertilizers and successfully used the government’s multi-million dollar programs. But, unfortunately, our grain is collected now for the Russians”, – said Lyubov Bezkorovaina, the deputy director of agro-industrial development department of Lugansk Regional State Administration.

She added that many managers of agricultural enterprises left for safe regions of Ukraine and re-registered their businesses. But there are also those who have gone to cooperate with the Russian Federation and gave up their partners.

Nibulon LLC and Agroton PJSC are the social backbone of the region. However, they were taken over by an entrepreneur from Krasnodar, with a charter fund of 2,000 rubles.

So, Agroton had 20 thousand tons of last year’s harvest at the beginning of the year. Now, another 200 thousand tons have been harvested in the fields of the agricultural company in the Luhansk region, but all of it has been exported to Russia. The situation with Nibulon products is similar – everything has been stolen.

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