Головна Horticulture Grain About 20 ships are ready to export grain from Ukraine

About 20 ships are ready to export grain from Ukraine

Greece is ready to provide ships to help export grain from the Black Sea ports of Ukraine, which have been blocked by Russia.

This was announced yesterday, June 30, by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, reports ProAgro Group, citing Reuters.

“Greece has announced that it is ready to provide ships to take grain out of Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told reporters on the third and final day of the NATO summit in Madrid.

For its part, Turkey, which is a NATO member, has held direct talks with Moscow and the United Nations to create a sea corridor, and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday from Madrid that he hoped diplomacy would help solve problems around grain exports from Ukraine.

According to the Turkish leader, there are already about 20 ships in the region that are ready to carry out this mission, and he intends to have follow-up phone conversations with the presidents of Ukraine and russia late this week or early next week.

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