Головна Horticulture Grain Five more ships will leave Ukrainian ports with more than 85 thousand...

Five more ships will leave Ukrainian ports with more than 85 thousand tons of grain

Five more ships carrying more than 85 thousand tons of grain and other food will leave Ukrainian ports. This was reported in the UN, informs “ProAgro Group”.

“The Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) has authorized the departure of five ships carrying a total of 85,110 tons of grain and food products within the framework of the Black Sea Grain Initiative,” the report said.

In the UN specified that the vessel Ascanios with 58.5 thousand tons of corn will go to Germany, the vessel Mohamad Y with 11 thousand tons of wheat and Bellis with 6 thousand tons of soybeans to Israel. Two more vessels Oris Sofi and Zelek Star will deliver 5.9 thousand tons of sunflower oil and 3.7 thousand tons of peas to Turkey.

In addition, SKC yesterday completed a review of six ships bound for Ukrainian ports (Canopus, Helga, Lady Zehma, Melina, Michalis and Sealock), as well as three from Ukraine (Kubrosli, Maranta, Great Arsena).

“All of them have received permission to sail,” the report noted.

“As of August 24, the total tonnage of grain and other food products exported from the three Ukrainian ports is 769,986 tons,” the UN stated.

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