Головна Horticulture Grain “Grain corridor”: in September Ukraine doubled export of agricultural products by sea

“Grain corridor”: in September Ukraine doubled export of agricultural products by sea

In September, more than 3.7 million tons of food left Ukrainian seaports, which is 2.2 times more than the results of the first month of the “grain corridor”.

This, according to “ProAgro Group”, is stated in the article of “Ekonomichna Pravda”.

Thus, during the two months of the corridor, launched on August 1, 238 vessels with 5.5 million tons of agricultural products left the unblocked ports, of which 3.7 million tons were in September. For comparison, this figure is higher than agricultural exports by all means of transport in July.

Currently, the sea provides the export of more than half of Ukrainian agricultural products abroad. Although the final data on exports of agricultural products by all modes of transport have not yet been made public, if exports by land and river ports remain at the August level, then in September agrarians will reach the pre-war figure of 6 million tons of exports.

Almost half of the projected 5.7 million tons is corn, another third is wheat. Sunflower oil is on the third place.

One third of all food exported from the ports went to Africa and the Middle East, in particular to Egypt, Yemen, Sudan and Lebanon. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy noted that a third of wheat exports go to African countries.

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