Головна Horticulture Grain Grain transportation by Dnipro decreased to 3.6 mln tons in 2021

Grain transportation by Dnipro decreased to 3.6 mln tons in 2021

According to the River Information Service of Ukraine branch “Delta-Lotsman” by the end of 2021, the freight traffic on the main river of Ukraine amounted to 14.36 million tons, which is by 3.11 million tons or 28% more than a year earlier.

This is reported by”ProAgro Group with reference to the information of the Administration of the Sea Ports of Ukraine.

It is noted that the main share of cargoes is construction materials, the volume of which increased by 62.8% and reached 9.5 million tons.

Grain cargoes are on the second place. Transportation volume decreased by 2.4% to 3.61 million tons compared to the previous year.

As reported, the river navigation on Dnipro closed on December 31 due to the emergency condition of the lowest lock of the cascade – Kakhovskiy.

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