Головна Logistics Port Olvia is conceded to QTerminals international operator

Port Olvia is conceded to QTerminals international operator

The property of the state enterprise Stevedore Company Olvia and the corresponding property of the state enterprise Administration of the Sea Ports of Ukraine have been conceded to QTerminals Olvia, a part of QTerminals Group, under a 35-year public-private partnership. This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to the information of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

“Today we are attracting guaranteed investments in the port of Olvia in the amount of 3.4 billion UAH. Almost half of these funds will be spent on the development of the port in the next 3.5 years. Now one of the most promising ports of the country will receive a new modern infrastructure. The agreement preserves working places for the workers of the enterprise for 6 years. There is also a demand for the maximum involvement of Ukrainian citizens to work in the port. Thus, it is planned to build a new tunnel under the railroad in Korabelnyi district at the expense of the investor”, – Minister of Infrastructure Alexander Kubrakov said.

Starting from December 2, 2021, QTerminals Olvia will begin to manage the port assets transferred into concession.

“As an international port and terminal operator, QTerminals intends to apply all of its port and terminal expertise to ensure that QTerminals Olvia provides its customers with safe service of the highest quality and standard,” Neville Bissett, QTerminals Group CEO, said in a statement.

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