Головна Horticulture Grain “Ukrzaliznytsia loaded 1.2 million tons of grain crops in July

“Ukrzaliznytsia loaded 1.2 million tons of grain crops in July

According to “Ukrzaliznytsia” operational data, the volume of grain loading in July amounted to 1 206 thousand tons, which amounts to 14% of the total load (8 514 thousand tons).

This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to Rail.insider.

It should be noted that in June the railroad network of Ukraine loaded 1 225 thousand tons of grain.

The average daily load volume in July was 39 thousand tons. During the same period last year the average daily load reached 56 thousand tons.

At the same time in July there were exported 905 thousand tons of grain (through land crossings and ports). It is 100 thsd. tons more than in June.

Overall, Ukrzaliznytsia’s freight transportation in July increased by 9% versus the previous month.

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