Головна Market News Since the beginning of the MY 2016/17 Ukraine has produced 2.6 MMT...

Since the beginning of the MY 2016/17 Ukraine has produced 2.6 MMT of vegetable oil

According to the results of MY 2016/2017 Ukraine produced 2.61 MMT of vegetable oil, which is 22% more than in the same period last year.

It has been reported by Economic discussion club.

Thus, from the total volume of production for the domestic food consumption needs 238 KMT of the oil has been used (5.6 kg per person).

It is noted that during the reporting period, Ukrainian farmers exported 2.38 MMT of vegetable oil, which is 19% more than in September-January MY 2015/16. More than half of Ukrainian exports have been directed to India, China and the Netherlands.

At the same time, imports of oils in the reporting month amounted to 96 KMT, of which nearly 90% accounts for palm oil, which has been imported mainly from Indonesia.

Experts predict that in the MY 2016/17 Ukraine will produce 5.78 MMT of vegetable oil, of which sunflower oil will amount to 5.5 MMT.

Export of Ukrainian vegetable oil in the new marketing year is expected to reach 5.38 MMT, where sunflower oil share will amount to 5.02 MMT and imports – 0.2 MMT.

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