Головна Market News In MY 2016/17 Ukrainian farmers will sow 2.4 million ha of early...

In MY 2016/17 Ukrainian farmers will sow 2.4 million ha of early grain

In total, Ukrainian farmers will sow 7.2 million ha of spring grain, including 2.4 million ha of early grain.

It has been reported by the press service of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

According to the report, depending on the weather conditions, sowing of early grain in the southern regions of Ukraine are planned to start one of these days.

It has been also reported that in 2017 the total area under the crop could become about 26.8 million ha, which corresponds to the figure of 2016.

In particular, it is planned to sow 14.4 million ha (54% of the total projected area). This balance corresponds to the optimum crops ratio under rotation.

Additionally, it has been noted that, the largest shares in the projected figure of sown areas will have such division between crops: wheat – 23.6%, sunflower – 20%, corn – 16.4%, barley – 9.7%, soy – 7.2 %.

“Depending on the wintering conditions of the winter crops structure of the grain harvest may be corrected in 2017 through the optimization of the areas for spring crops, in particular corn and late grouts crops”, – have been specified in the message.

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