Головна Market News Since early 2017, Ukraine has earned $88 million from sugar shipments to...

Since early 2017, Ukraine has earned $88 million from sugar shipments to foreign markets

In January-February 2017, Ukraine has exported 178.4 KMT of sugar from sugar cane or from sugar beet.

This is reported by UNN with reference to the data of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

According to the report, in monetary terms, the export of sugar from Ukraine for the reporting period amounted to $88.1 million.

At the same time, according to the results of the first two months of this year, Ukraine imported 334 tons of sugar for $280 thousand.

It is also noted that during the reporting period, Ukraine has exported sugar to Sri Lanka ($13.35 million), Libya ($9.06 million), Cote d”Ivoire ($9.017 million) and other countries ($56.67 million).

It worth mentioning that in 2016 Ukrainian producers exported a record 442.7 KMT of sugar worth of $215.9 million.

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