Головна Market News Egypt has announced a tender for the purchase of 55-60 KMT of...

Egypt has announced a tender for the purchase of 55-60 KMT of wheat

According to ProAgro, on 14th of March, GASC (Egyptian public grain importer) announced another tender for the import of wheat.  According to preliminary information, the company is interested in cargo in amount of 55-60 KMT of milling wheat, shipping in 15-25 of April. Wheat from the USA, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria will be admitted to the tender.

So far, there are following offers from some of the traders:

  • Casillo 60k (French wheat – 212.04 $/t C&F);
  • Daewoo 60k (Russian wheeat – 210.75 $/t C&F);
  • AOS 60k (Russian wheat – 211.48 $/t C&F);
  • Aston 60k (Russian wheat – 211.52 $/t C&F);
  • Glencore 55k (Russian wheat – 211.99 $/t C&F);
  • Olam 60k (Russian wheat – 208.29 $/t C&F);
  • LDC 60k (Russian wheat – 209.39 $/t C&F);
  • LDC 60k (Ukrainian wheat – 207.74 $/t C&F);
  • Cerealcom 60k (Romanian wheat – 205.74 $/t FOB).

It is worth to mention that according to the results of the previous tender, GASC purchased 535 KMT of wheat from Russia, Romania, Ukraine and France, but due to the special requirements for imported wheat (phytosanitary control), several cargoes were rejected by Egypt.

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