Головна Market News Since the beginning of MY 2016/17, Ukrainian farmers exported 272 KMT of...

Since the beginning of MY 2016/17, Ukrainian farmers exported 272 KMT of flour

As of March 29, Ukraine exported 271.6 KMT of flour, which is 41.5 KMT more than last season.

This has been reported by the press service of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

According to the report, since the beginning of the current MY, Ukraine exported 270.4 KMT of wheat flour, which is 42.6 KMT more than in the same period of the last year.

At the same time, export of flour of other types for the reporting period amounted to 1.1 KMT.

It is noted that for the period from March 1 to March 29, Ukraine exported 7.2 KMT of flour.

It is worth to mention that from the beginning of MY 2016/17 (as of March 29), Ukraine exported 33.07 MMT of grain, which is 2.74 MMT more than in the same period of the last season.

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