Головна Market News Ukrainian farmers sowed 1.6 million ha of early grains – data for...

Ukrainian farmers sowed 1.6 million ha of early grains – data for April 4, 2017

Ukrainian farmers sowed 1.6 million ha of the planned 2.4 million ha by grain and legumenous crops.

It has been reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

In particular, as of the reporting date, farmers sowed 105 thousand ha of spring wheat, which is 55% of the forecast. Spring barley was sown on the 1.1 million ha (62% of the forecast); oats – 115 thousand ha (55%); peas – 302 thousand ha (109%).

Besides, sugar beet was sown on the area of 69 thousand ha (24% to the forecast); sunflower – on 121 thousand ha (2% of the forecast).

It worth to mention that the entire crop area for the harvest of 2017 is expected at the level of 26.8 million ha (at the level of 2016). Grain crops are projected to be sown on an area of 14.4 million ha (54% in the structure of sown areas). Sowing of spring crops is planned on the area of 7.2 million ha, including early spring grain – 2.4 million ha.

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