Головна Market News Ukraine has increased the export of lean hogs by 3.6 times since...

Ukraine has increased the export of lean hogs by 3.6 times since 2017

In January-March 2017, Ukraine exported 649 tons of lean hogs to Georgia, which is 3.6 times more than in the same period a year earlier.

This has been reported by the press service of the Association of Pork Producers of Ukraine.

According to the report, the currency equivalent of exports of lean pigs for the reporting period amounted to $810 thousand, which is 4.3 times more than in January-March 2016.

“As a result of such activity, Ukraine earned $664 thousand, as the volume of imports of Danish lean hogs in cash equivalent amounted to $146 thousand. At the same time, according to preliminary data, Ukrainian pigs breeders did not import breeding animals during the March”, – added at the association.

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