Головна Market News Ukraine may lose 30% of fruit harvest due to the frosts according...

Ukraine may lose 30% of fruit harvest due to the frosts according to Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (UHC)

UHC predicts a possible loss of 30% harvest of fruit crops due to the sharp decrease in temperature in the southeast of Ukraine.

As ProAgro reports with a reference to Depo.ua, the head of the hydrometeorological department of UHC Tatyana Adamenko shared her thoughts about this.

“These are the most unfavorable weather conditions for fruits. This year, the early flowering of apricots, cherries and pears began almost throughout the whole Ukraine and intense frosts as well as drops in temperature to -1 -4 damaged those fruits. A loss of 30% is almost certain. The most of the damage is going to be in the western and northern regions”, – she says.

According to Adamenko, winter crops are not threatened by anything, on the contrary, rainfall has increased the supply of moisture.

“It is possible to say with considerable certainty that the harvest of winter crops will be good”, – she said.

The expert noted that some damage to early spring grain is possible, but they will not be significant, given the resistance of these crops to frost.

“As for the early crops of sunflower and corn, they are not in danger so far”, – she added.

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