Головна Market News According to the results of September-March MY 2016/17, Ukraine increased the production...

According to the results of September-March MY 2016/17, Ukraine increased the production of vegetable oil by 25%

According to the results of September-March 2016/17, Ukraine produced 3.789 MMT of vegetable oil, which is 25% more than in the same period last year.

As ProAgro reports, this is evidenced by the data, provided by Economic Discussion Club (EDC).

Accordingly, 346 KMT or 6.7 kg per person were directed for domestic food consumption.

It is noted that during the reporting period Ukrainian farmers exported 3.555 MMT of vegetable oil, which is 24% more than in September-March MY 2015/16. The major share of Ukrainian exports went to India, China and the Netherlands.

At the same time, imports of oils for the reporting months amounted to 132 KMT (+ 6% compared to the same period last season), of which almost 90% – palm oil, which is imported mainly from Indonesia.

According to the forecasts, in MY 2016/17 Ukraine will produce 5.78 MMT of vegetable oil, of which sunflower oil will amount to 5.5 MMT.

Exports of Ukrainian vegetable oil in the current marketing year are expected at 5.38 MTM, of which sunflower oil acounts for 5.02 MMT and imports accounts for 0.2 MMT.

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