Головна Market News In January-March 2017, Ukraine produced 574 KMT of meat

In January-March 2017, Ukraine produced 574 KMT of meat

In January-March 2017, Ukraine produced 574 KMT of all kinds of meat, which is 0.1% more than in the same period of the last year.

It has been reported by ProAgro with a reference to Economic Discussion Club (EDC).

So, according to the report, the export of meat and meat products from Ukraine for three months of this year amounted to 83 KMT, which is 71% more compared to January-March of 2016. At the same time, imports amounted to 46 KMT, which is 13% more than a year ago.

It is noted that the share of poultry meat in the total volume of exports was 78% (65 KMT or 1.6 times more than a year earlier). High demand for Ukrainian poultry was observed in Egypt, the Netherlands, UAE.

“Meat imports, as in previous periods, are mainly represented by pork and poultry meat. On the other hand, meat products are imported mainly from Poland and Germany.The share of imports in domestic food consumption in January-February 2017 was 8.6%”, – said in the report of EDC.

According to calculations of experts, for three months of this year, the consumption of meat by the population decreased by 4.6% compared to the corresponding period of 2016 and amounted to 12.6 kg per person.

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