Головна Market News In April 2017, Ukraine exported 72 KMT of sugar

In April 2017, Ukraine exported 72 KMT of sugar

In April 2017, Ukrainian producers exported 72.4 KMT of sugar, which is 19% less than in March.

It was reported by ProAgro with a refference to the press service of the Ukrtsukor association.

According to the report, the largest deliveries of Ukrainian sugar in the reporting month were carried out to Libya – 14.2 KMT (20%), Sudan – 13.1 KMT (18%) and Somalia – 12.8 KMT (17.6% ). Also, supplies continued to Sri Lanka (10%), Azerbaijan (7.6%), Georgia and Albania (3.6% each).

“In total, in the current marketing year 684 KMT of sugar were delivered to foreign markets, which is a record volume for the Ukrainian sugar industry.It should be noted that the import volume was really small – in April it was 159 tons and if we count for the marketing year – only 1 KMT. Such amount poses no threat to food safety and imported sugar is used mainly in pastries sector and has a negligible demand among consumers”, – commented the head of the analytical department of Ukrtsukor Ruslana Butylo.

According to experts, next year sugar production will grow to 2.3-2.5 MMT, taking into account the increase in acreage to 330-350 thousand ha. The demand for the domestic market for 2017 is about 1.54 MMTof sugar, which will allow more than 1 MMT of sugar to be sold to foreign markets.

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