Головна Market News In January-April 2017, Ukraine increased the export of dairy products by 33%

In January-April 2017, Ukraine increased the export of dairy products by 33%

In January-April, 2017, Ukraine exported 36.4 KMT of dairy products to the amount of $63.7 million. In physical terms, this is 33% more than in the same period in 2016, and in monetary terms – by 81%.

As reported by ProAgro, this has been originally reported by the analytical department of the Association of Milk Producers.

According to the report, butter shows the greatest increase. During the reporting period, sales in physical terms increased by 232.6%, and in monetary terms – by 319.5%. In the first four months of 2017, 5,5 KMT of butter was exported totaling $20 million. In particular, almost 2 KMT of butter was exported in April, which is 17% more than in March and 293 %. Than in April of last year. Most of it was supplied to Morocco ($ 4.5 million), Kazakhstan ($ 2.6 million) and Moldova ($ 2.3 million).

At the same time, exports of milk and cream since the beginning of the year amounted to 2.6 KMT, which is 27.7% less than last year. In monetary terms, sales amounted to $ 1.7 million (-9.3%). The largest sales markets were Moldova ($761,000), Georgia ($478,000) and Saudi Arabia ($233,000)

Export of condensed milk and cream in January-April of the current year amounted to 13.9 KMT (+ 6.1%) in amount of 24.5 million. The products were exported most to Kazakhstan ($4.8 million), Turkmenistan ( $3.3 million) and Bangladesh ($ 2.4 million).

Trade in sour-milk products shows a drop in comparison with the previous year. According to the results of the first four months, only 841 tons (-26.1%) of the product for the amount of $829 thousand (-17.4%) were delivered to foreign markets. The main market was Moldova, where more than 50% of all dairy products are supplied.

Milk whey is the second largest export volume. For four months, about 12 KMT (+ 91%) of the product were exported worth of $8.3 million (+ 145.2%). In April, in addition to export markets, 3,2 KMT of products were exported to the amount of $2.5 million. The main importers were: China – $4 million, India – $641 thousand and Vietnam – $ 448 thousand.

In addition, the export of cheese shows a positive shift. For four months, the volume increased by 16.5% – up to 2.5 KMT and brought Ukraine $8.5 million (+ 38.2%). In April, 928 tons of the product were exported, which is 37.5% more than in March and 19.4% more than in April 2016. The main buyers of Ukrainian cheese were Kazakhstan ($4.2 million ) Moldova ($2.4 million) and Egypt ($997 thousand).

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