Головна Market News In one year, the number of cattle in Ukraine decreased to less...

In one year, the number of cattle in Ukraine decreased to less than 3 million

As of January 1, 2021, the number of cattle in Ukraine decreased to 2899.5 thousand heads, which is 6.2% less than at the beginning of last year (3092 thousand), according to “ProAgro Group” with reference to the State statistics service of Ukraine.

The largest reduction in cattle was observed in households – by 6.9%, to 1901.9 thousand heads, while in agricultural enterprises it amounted to 4.9%, to 997.6 thousand heads.

At the same time, the number of cows in the country as a whole decreased by 5.4%, to 1692.8 thousand animals. In farms, the population of cows decreased by 5.8% and amounted to 1271.8 thousand heads at the beginning of the year, in agricultural enterprises – by 4%, 421 thousand heads.

Cattle numbers have been declining in all regions without exception. Among the regions, the largest number in 2020 decreased in the Kherson region – by 17.4%, to 43.3 thousand heads. At the same time, there were 86.1 thousand cattle in Ternopil region at the beginning of this year, which is 0.5% less than a year ago, which is the lowest rate of livestock reduction among the regions.

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