Головна News Company news Bayer handed over 26 thousand bags of corn seeds to support Ukrainian...

Bayer handed over 26 thousand bags of corn seeds to support Ukrainian farmers

Компанія Bayer передаэ українським фермерам мішки з насінням кукурудзи навесні 2022 року

Understanding the needs and challenges of farmers, Bayer, in response to the request of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, has decided to transfer more than 26 thousand bags of corn seeds to support Ukrainian farmers. This is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the company.

It is noted that more than 1250 small farms in 17 regions of Ukraine will receive high-quality corn seeds and may additionally sow about 30 thousand hectares of fields with this crop.

“Bayer sincerely appreciate the work of farmers in these difficult times. And we want to support Ukrainian agriculture as much as possible. Big thanks to all our employees and Ukrainian farmers for doing everything possible to make the sowing season happen. The agricultural business never stops!”- said Laercio Bortolini, Head of Bayer Agrarian Division in Ukraine.

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