IMC has completed threshing sunflower, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the company’s information.
In total, more than 65 thousand tons were harvested from an area of 19.2 thsd ha, the yield was about 34 c/ha (-3% compared to 2021). Given the difficult military conditions in which this season took place, the obtained sunflower yield is a good result: at the level of previous record years.
“Adverse weather conditions led to a late start of both sowing and threshing of sunflower this year. The result was a slight decrease in yields compared to previous years. However, we are very satisfied with the harvest. After all, on the eve of the spring sunflower sowing campaign, part of our land was in the zone of active hostilities. In the end, thanks to the victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the selfless work of the IMC team, we succeeded”, – summed up the company’s COO Oleksandr Verzhikhovsky.