Головна News Company news MHP shares fall for the second week in a row

MHP shares fall for the second week in a row


Shares of the company “Myronivskiy Hliboproduct” on the London Stock Exchange fall for the second week in a row and from November 1 to 5, fell by 1.3%, or $0.1, to 7.86 $/share.

ProAgro Group reports this, citing ukranews.com.

“On November 1, the company’s shares were quoted at $7.96/share, remained at $7.96/share on November 2, but then rose to $8.02/share on November 3,” the report said.

We should note that on November 4 the quotes remained at the level of $8.02/share, and on November 5 they dropped to $7.86/share. In this way deals were made during the whole week.

Since the beginning of the year the company’s shares quotations grew by 32.3% (compared to the quotation level of January 4 – $5.94/share).

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