Головна News Company news Rostock Holding has finished harvesting sunflower

Rostock Holding has finished harvesting sunflower

Agrarians of Rostok Holding have completed the harvesting of sunflower. In total, more than 8.5 thousand tons of seeds were harvested from an area of 3768 thousand hectares, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the company’s post on Facebook.

Adverse weather conditions and the military situation in the country affected the sowing and harvesting campaigns. The result was a slight decrease in yields compared to previous years. Due to prolonged rains, sunflower harvesting lasted almost 50 days.

“Due to significant precipitation and high humidity, some of the fields under sunflower are affected by rotting baskets. This caused the loss of some part of the crop, – said Dmytro Kupavtsev, CEO of Rostock Holding.

At the beginning of sunflower harvesting, 2.8 tons were harvested per hectare in pure form.

“Despite the difficult circumstances, we can confidently say that we are satisfied that we managed to sow and harvest the crop. After all, even on the eve of the spring sowing campaign, a significant part of our land was in the zone of active hostilities and the sowing campaign was under a very big question”, – added the General Director.

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