Головна News Company news State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine resumed flour production at Bogdanovets...

State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine resumed flour production at Bogdanovets factory

JSC “State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine” (DPZKU) resumed flour production at Bogdanovets factory in Khmelnitsky oblast. This is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the company.

Now DPZKU operates four flour mills for the production of wheat flour – in Krolevets, Chernyakhovsk, Lviv and Ternopil. Another factory in Kharkiv produces rye flour.

“All flour produced at these enterprises goes exclusively to the domestic market, to the bakeries,” the company said.

In the near future, it is planned to resume wheat flour production at the Odessa factory in order to fulfill obligations under foreign economic contracts in connection with the resumption of flour exports to the United Arab Emirates and Georgia. And this month DPZKU opened a new export direction to East Africa – the Republic of Djibouti.

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