Головна News Land issue In Prozorro.Sales the value of land lease lots reached 100 mln UAH

In Prozorro.Sales the value of land lease lots reached 100 mln UAH

As of today, February 22, 4 560 land auctions for lease and sale have already been announced in Prozorro.Sales. The total value of all lots – 1.294 million UAH. The area of land plots is 24 714 hectares.

This is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

Thus, 3 044 lease auctions have been announced in the system. Lots for total 22,473 hectares are being offered for sale. Their total value is 100 million hryvnias. 1,516 auctions for the sale of land have been announced. They cover 2 241 hectares and their value is 1 194 million UAH.

3349 auctions in the system concern purely agricultural land: 2473 auctions for its lease and 876 auctions for its alienation are announced. 21 376 ha of agricultural land are offered for lease with a total value of 46 million UAH.

Kyiv region, Zakarpattya, Odesa, Kherson region, Lviv region are among the top 5 regions with the highest starting price for land plots for agricultural purposes. The average price increase at the auction is almost 200%, but for the land for agricultural purposes this figure is much higher – 370%.

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