Головна News Land issue Occupiers caused the greatest damage to land resources in Kharkiv region

Occupiers caused the greatest damage to land resources in Kharkiv region

Specialists of the State Ecological Inspectorate in Kharkiv region visited the liberated Chuhuiv and Izium districts of Kharkiv region, which have been under occupation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and suffered the greatest destruction.

According to “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the inspectors, during the trip the objects that suffered the most from the armed aggression of Russia were inspected. Thus, as a result of the measures taken, the priority areas of work on fixing, documenting and calculating the damage caused to the environment by the invaders were identified.

“We would like to inform you that state inspectors have already calculated the damage caused by the war to the environment of Kharkiv region for a total amount of more than UAH 78.5 billion, and according to the figures obtained, the lion’s share of losses falls on the land resources of our state, which suffered due to land contamination and soil pollution,” the State Ecological Inspectorate noted.

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