Головна News Land issue Ukraine announced 5,149 land auctions since land market launch

Ukraine announced 5,149 land auctions since land market launch

Since the launch of the land market the system “Prozorro.Sale” posted 5,149 auctions for the lease and sale of land, which covers an area of 27.4 thousand hectares. The total value of all lots is 1,481 million UAH. This was reported by the press service of the system, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

Thus, auctions for the lease of land in the system have been announced for 120 million UAH. There are 3289 lots of that kind, they cover an area of 23 878 hectares.

The total value of all lots for the alienation of land – 1 360 million UAH. There are 1860 such auctions in the system, the total area of land plots is 3503 ha. The average number of participants is 3.4. The increase in price at auction is 204%.

Since the beginning of the war there have already been 166 new land auctions announced in the system, 69 of them – for lease, 77 – for sale, and 20 – sale with pre-emptive right.

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