Головна News Ukrainian market For the fourth year in a row Ukraine renews records of agrarian...

For the fourth year in a row Ukraine renews records of agrarian exports

Last year, the share of agro-food products in total exports of Ukraine decreased from 45% in 2020 to 41%, while maintaining the leadership in its commodity structure.

This was informed by the deputy director of the Institute of Agrarian Economics, academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences Mykola Pugachov, as “ProAgro Group” reports.

According to him, the characteristic feature of the last year for the domestic agricultural sector of the economy was a number of records for the volume of supply of agricultural products to foreign markets.

So, at the end of 2021 there were fixed the largest export volumes of wheat – 20 071 thousand tons, poultry – 459 thousand tons, frozen berries and other fruits – 76 thousand tons, pasta – 38 thousand tons, the expert said.

According to the State Customs Service of Ukraine, in 2021, Ukraine exported agri-food (groups 1-24, as well as casein, albumin, hides, fur, wool, etc.) for $27.9 billion, exceeding the record figure in 2020 of $22.4 billion by almost 25%. Thus, our country has renewed the historical record for agrarian export for the fourth consecutive year, said Mykola Pugachov.

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