Головна Horticulture Grain Over 4 million tons of agricultural products have already been exported through...

Over 4 million tons of agricultural products have already been exported through the “Grain Corridor”

On September 20, within the framework of the implementation of the “grain initiative”, 8 vessels with 195.7 thousand tons of agricultural products on board left the ports of Odesa and Chornomorsk, ProAgro Group reports with reference to a post on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

Bulk carriers PGE RAIN, SSI PRIDE, RIDER, TINA S left the berths of the port of Odesa, and vessels APHRODITE M, NYMPHI, PAULINE, NORAN left the port of Chornomorsk.

Also today, the bulk carrier BC VANESSA – the fourth vessel chartered by the World Food Program (WFP) of the United Nations was moored at the berth of the port of Odesa. The bulker will be loaded with 30 thousand tons of wheat, which will be delivered to Afghanistan.

Since the first vessel with Ukrainian food exported 4.1 million tons of agricultural products. In total, 177 vessels with agricultural products for Asia, Europe and Africa have left Ukrainian ports.

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