Головна Horticulture Grain The ship with Ukrainian wheat arrived in Kenya

The ship with Ukrainian wheat arrived in Kenya

The ship Super Henry left the port of Odesa on September 7, with 51.4 thousand tons of wheat on board. Today the ship arrived at the port of Mombasa in Kenya, having spent 35 days on the way.

It is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Earlier, Ukraine supplied to Kenya up to 300 thsd tonnes of wheat per year, and in the 2021/2022 season, before the war, it shipped a record 355 thsd tonnes. The country’s annual need for wheat imports ranges from 2-2.2 million tons per year.

In the past years, the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected the tourism and hospitality sectors of Kenya, the largest consumer of wheat products. According to the FAS USDA forecast, wheat production in Kenya in 2022/23 should increase by 20% to 300 thousand tons compared to last year. First of all, due to better weather conditions. Also, the consumption of food, seed and feed wheat should recover almost to the level of the beginning of the pandemic and will amount to 2.25 million tons. This is due to the resumption of the hotel and catering sectors in Kenya.

On October 11-12, 16 ships loaded with 385 thousand tons of agricultural products left Ukrainian ports. In total, since the beginning of the “grain corridor” 325 ships with 7.2 million tons of cargo have left Ukraine.

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