Головна Horticulture Grain Ukraine and Poland sign joint statement on export of Ukrainian grain

Ukraine and Poland sign joint statement on export of Ukrainian grain

On May 16 in Warsaw, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solsky and his Polish counterpart, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Henryk Kowalczyk signed a joint statement, which recorded the results of negotiations between the parties on facilitating the export of Ukrainian grain.

In the joint statement, the parties recorded, in particular:

  • revision by the Polish side of the requirements for veterinary control of transit cargoes with grain from Ukraine, which will ensure the possibility of transit of grain at all checkpoints on the state border of Poland and Ukraine;
  • ensuring the possibility of transit of grain at the border inspection posts Verhrata – Rawa Ruska, Medyka – Shehyny, Krościenko – Smilnytsia;
  • to increase the number of Polish veterinary inspectors at designated border inspection posts to 19 people;
  • 24/7 work of Polish inspectors at the busiest points.

“In a joint statement, we and the Polish side consolidated the results of our multi-week work. The measures provided in the statement will greatly simplify the border crossing of our grain cargo and accordingly accelerate and increase export volumes, which is a priority in the work of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy at this time,” – said Mykola Solsky.

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