Головна Horticulture Grain Ukraine increased grain exports by 69% in the first half of September

Ukraine increased grain exports by 69% in the first half of September


During 15 days of September 2022, Ukraine managed to export 2.9 million tons of agricultural products, which is 40% more than in the first half of August and 13% more than in the second half of August 2022.

That is, the positive dynamics of increasing export shipments by Ukraine continues, ProAgro Group reports with reference to UCAB information.

As for the structure of exports of these products in the first half of September 2022, it was as follows

  • grain crops – 1.8 million tons (corn – 49%, wheat – 39%, barley – 12%), an increase of 69% compared to the same indicator of the previous month
  • oilseeds – 555 thousand tons (rapeseed – 66%, soybean – 18%, sunflower – 16%), an increase of 21%;
  • vegetable oils – 228.7 thousand tons (sunflower oil – 92%, soybean oil – 6%), an increase of 16%;
  • cake after extraction of vegetable oils – 120.5 thousand tons (sunflower – 91%, soybean – 9%), an increase of 41%.

The highest growth rates are demonstrated by grain crops, the export of which increased by 69%. This is mainly due to the work of the “grain corridor”, which ensures the export of grain crops through the seaports of the Odesa region.

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