Головна Horticulture Grain Wheat prices in Ukrainian ports crossed the mark of 10 thousand UAH...

Wheat prices in Ukrainian ports crossed the mark of 10 thousand UAH per ton

In the domestic market of Ukraine the rise in price of major crops continues, which from time to time sets new records, reports ProAgro Group.

According to the analytical department of the company, the prices for food wheat on the basis of the deep-sea ports of the Black Sea, which at the end of last week ranged between 9250-9700 UAH/ton, exceeded the psychological mark of 10000 UAH/ton yesterday.

So, the company “Nibulon” since Wednesday is buying wheat of the 2nd class at its terminal in Mykolaiv for 10,000 UAH/ton, “Kernel” voiced the demand for grain of the 2-3 classes in the Black Sea port in the range of 10050-10100 UAH/ton, and “Agroprosperis” offers for feed wheat 10100-10150 UAH/ton in the port “Southern”.

Both external and internal factors contribute to the price growth. On the one hand, it is an active demand of importers amidst successive reductions in the forecast of the world wheat crop in 2021/22 MY, and on the other hand, the deterrence of sales by domestic agrarians, who expect higher demand prices from traders and exporters due to the current state of winter crops, the rise in price of energy and fertilizers.

Prices in hryvnya are also supported by the devaluation of national currency, the official exchange rate of which is set by the NBU at 26.93 UAH/$ compared to 26.44 UAH/$ on Friday.

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