Головна Horticulture With full provision of seeds, sowing areas in spring may increase by...

With full provision of seeds, sowing areas in spring may increase by 30%

Компанія Bayer передаэ українським фермерам мішки з насінням кукурудзи навесні 2022 року

Among the key needs of agricultural producers in the conditions of martial law are the provision of generators, seed material, access to financing and uninterrupted exports, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

In particular, according to the ministry, if there is international support for seed material, the total area of crops in Ukraine during the spring field work can increase by 30%, said Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Markiyan Dmytrasevych.

“We conducted a survey among farmers on the need for seeds. In fact, all farmers said that they are ready to sow. And, if there is international support with seed material, the total area of crops can increase by 30%. Therefore, we asked our partners for help. And we already have the first positive feedback, in particular from the FAO,” said Markiyan Dmytrasevych.

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