Головна Horticulture Zhytomyr region is the leader in buckwheat harvesting

Zhytomyr region is the leader in buckwheat harvesting

As of November 4, 2022, Ukrainian farmers harvested grain and leguminous crops on the area of 8 million hectares (72% of the forecast) with a yield of 40.7 c/ha and threshed 32.6 million tons of grain, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

In particular, at the present time:

wheat has been threshed on 4.7 million hectares (100% of the forecast), with a yield of 41.2 c/ha, 19.4 million tons have been harvested
1.6 million hectares of barley have been threshed (100%), with a yield of 35.1 c/ha, 5.6 million tons have been harvested;
peas threshed on 111.5 thousand hectares (100%), with a yield of 23.4 c/ha – 261 thousand tons;
corn for grain was threshed on 1.1 million hectares (27%), with a yield of 55.4 c/ha – 6.3 million tons;
buckwheat – 111 thousand hectares (95%), with a yield of 13.6 c/ha – 151 thousand tons;
millet was threshed on 42.6 thousand hectares (95%), with a yield of 23.1 c/ha – 98 thousand tons.

Most of all buckwheat was threshed by agrarians of Zhytomyr region – 29.6 thousand tons, and the highest yield of this cereal crop is in Poltava region – 19.1 c/ha. Agricultural producers of Odesa region threshed the most barley – 833 thousand tons.

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