Головна News World markets Russia wants to revise grain corridor agreement

Russia wants to revise grain corridor agreement

Putin announced today the intention to discuss with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan the possibility of restricting the export of grain and food from Ukraine to Europe. Supposedly because it doesn’t follow toneedy countries, but mainly to the European Union, ProAgro Group reports.

However, the Russian ambassador said that Moscow does not want to extend the grain agreement not because Ukrainian grain is not flowing to countries on the verge of starvation, but because Russia itself has not benefited from the agreement.

In particular, he complained that the Russians did not manage to remove a single ship with their food and fertilizers under the grain agreement, so the Russian side sees no point in continuing it.

According to Nebenzya, the Russian side “has managed to reach an agreement,” but there are no results of this agreement for Moscow. He recalled that the agreement expires in November, they wanted to continue it, but now he is not sure it will happen.

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