Головна Horticulture Grain United States will allocate $68m to buy Ukrainian wheat for Africa

United States will allocate $68m to buy Ukrainian wheat for Africa

The United States will allocate 68 million dollars to the UN World Food Programme for the purchase of Ukrainian wheat to resolve an acute global food crisis.

This was stated by U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in his statement, “ProAgro Group” reports citing “European Truth.

The money will support the purchase, transportation and storage of up to 150 thousand tons of Ukrainian wheat to solve the problem of acute food insecurity. It is assumed that the grain will be received by the people of the Somali Peninsula, where there is a historic drought, pushing millions of people to the brink of starvation.

“While the resumption of exports from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports is a positive step in addressing the needs of food insecure countries, these shipments must continue so that millions of tons of food can reach markets and help feed the world’s vulnerable populations,” said Anthony Blinken.

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