Головна Animal husbandry Dairy farming In 2021 the first meeting of representatives of the dairy industry was...

In 2021 the first meeting of representatives of the dairy industry was held

On the platform of the Working Group on the development of the dairy industry of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in the format of a zoom conference, a meeting was held with representatives of industry associations, processors, research institutes and leading experts. This is reported by the ProAgro Group, citing the information of the Ministry.

During the event there was a discussion on issues of concern to the dairy industry. In particular, representatives of milk processing enterprises expressed their concern about the quality of raw milk, and milk producers expressed their concern about not lowering of the purchase prices for milk.

As a result of the discussion, the parties expressed readiness to continue constructive discussion and cooperation in order to work out proposals to draft a strategic document for the development of the dairy industry until 2030 and instruments of state support for the dairy industry.

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