Головна Processing industry Sugar season is coming to end in Ukraine

Sugar season is coming to end in Ukraine

As of December 29, 9.12 million tons of sugar beet were processed in Ukraine and 1,294.5 thousand tons of sugar were produced (December 24 – 1,285.7 thousand tons). This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to the information of the association “UkrSugar”.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, as of December 21, farmers had harvested 10.6 million tons of sugar beets from 99.8% of the planned area. According to an optimistic forecast of “UkrSugar”, this season sugar production in the country will reach 1.45 million tons with domestic demand of 1.25-1.3 million tons.

In the last week of 2021 the sugar production season was completed by Hnidavka Sugar Factory.

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