Головна Horticulture Grain Agrarians of Lviv region will store more than 100 thousand tons of...

Agrarians of Lviv region will store more than 100 thousand tons of grain in sleeves

In the Lviv region, there is a grain storage project, within which it is planned to store more than 100 thousand tons of grain from 200 farmers of the region, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the information of the company of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

Within the framework of the project, yesterday, November 2, grain was filled into the sleeve in the Sambir district. Representatives of the USAID AGRO Program, authorities, local farmers were invited to participate in the event.

The project is part of the AGRI_Ukraine initiative and is implemented with the support of USAID AGRO Program, Lviv Agricultural Advisory Service. In addition to providing storage facilities and equipment, the project provides for monthly quality monitoring and joint marketing of grain.

Harvest storage is a critical issue in Lviv and neighboring regions. Most producers do not have the means to overcome this challenge on their own, due to the increase in production costs (changes in the price of fuel and lubricants, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products and rising costs of loans. Therefore, with the help of the project, the storage of farmers’ own grain was established in the region.

According to USAID AGRO Agricultural Markets Development Manager Oleksandr Prykhodko, Lviv Oblast is now a kind of hub that has taken on an important mission not only to preserve agricultural products, but also to establish export sales routes.

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