Головна Storage An elevator complex will be built in Chernihiv region

An elevator complex will be built in Chernihiv region

There are several investment attractive plots on the territory of Suhopolovyanska community (Chernihiv region). The elevator construction project is already being realized on one of them.

This was reported by Denis Rosovsky, chairman of the Sukhopolovyanska community, ProAgro Group reports with reference to AgroPortal.

“Preparation for the implementation of an investment project to build an elevator complex for 80 thousand tons of grain has begun, 60 jobs will be created. By the decision of the session of the village Soviet we received the permission for expert monetary estimation of the land plot of “Sibkor-Priluki” Ltd. The main advantage is the access to the railroad”, – explained the head of the community.

The local council noted that they are ready to cooperate with every investor and provide support in the preparation of documents.

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