Головна Horticulture Grain Is it profitable for a farmer to build his own grain elevator?

Is it profitable for a farmer to build his own grain elevator?

елеватор, фермерський елеватор

It is economically profitable for farms with any land bank to build an elevator. Grain storage allows not to sell grain from the field, but to clean it, dry it, if necessary, and save until better times, or more correctly to say – better prices.

A regional representative of KMZ Industries emphasized this, ProAgro Group reports with reference to Kurkul.com.

“For farms with a land bank of 200-400 hectares, the payback time of a full-fledged mini-elevator with cleaning, drying and silo storage can reach 8-10 years. Such farms usually install a separator for cleaning and a dryer if possible. Whereas, indoor facilities, which can also store equipment, are used as a warehouse”, – said the specialist.

At the same time, according to him, a farmer with the land bank of 500 to 3000 hectares will benefit from building a complete grain elevator with cleaning, dryer and silage storage. Such an elevator will cover the need to store and process both own grain and that of the depositors, which will provide additional profits and pay back the investment in 3-5 years.

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