Головна Sugar manufacturing Forecast of Ukrainian sugar exports in 2021/22 MY is raised to 50...

Forecast of Ukrainian sugar exports in 2021/22 MY is raised to 50 thousand tons

In September-November 2021/22 MY domestic producers shipped for export more than 21 thousand tons of sugar, reports ProAgro Group.

It is noted that among the main importing countries of Ukrainian sugar this season are listed:

  • Israel – 5.7 thousand tons;
  • Armenia – 4.1 thousand tons;
  • Spain – 2.3 thousand tons;
  • Azerbaijan – 2.2 thousand tons;
  • Romania – 1.7 thousand tons.

“According to the data received, we see an active export of sugar to the EU countries. It is worth noting that domestic sugar meets all European quality standards,” the report says.

Sugar exports turned out to be so optimistic that NPC “Sugar Beet Production” revised its previous forecast for sugar exports for 2021/22 MY upwards to 50 thousand tons, compared to the previous forecast of 20 thousand tons.

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